Saturday 10 March 2018

Brendan Farrell: 'If we don’t support farmers, in 10 years we’ll be importing 100% of our food'

That’s a bit personal,” Brendan Farrell arcs up. He’s had enough of those kind of questions and refuses point-blank to answer any about family or upbringing either. That’s fair enough. Farrell is a man on a mission.

The fourth-generation farmer from Burrumbuttock, New South Wales, has been organising massive convoys of hay to drought-stricken farmers since 2014. Last year 260 trucks and 400 trailers carted 14,000 bales to Ilfracombe in central-west Queensland, where his crew also helped build bar facilities at the racecourse. In January this year, on his 13th run, 150 trucks and 200 trailers took $2m worth of hay to Cunnamulla in south-west Queensland.

Source: Theguardian

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